Wednesday, July 29, 2020



Kichakbadh is one of the historical and religious place of country Nepal, but due to lack of advertisement this place has fallen into shadows. Lying 10 km far from Bhadrapur Airport it is one of the place in Jhapa district that carries huge tourism potential. Each year Kichak badh Mela is conducted on Falgun Sukla Purnima, thousands of devotees from India as well as from different district of Nepal comes here to attend the Mela. Local Rajbanshi people organize a puja in the old pond of Kichak Badh.

Department of Archaeology always carries out excavation works every year to find out some remains and ancient material related to Mahabharata. During recent excavation, a team of archaeologists had found 8 room floor, old bricks and some artifacts. According to archaeologists, these remains are about 2000 years old, which clearly seems to be old as the date when Mahabharata happened.

According to legends this place was named after the incident where Bhima (one of Pandavas) killed monster named Kichak. Kichak was the commander in chief of Matsya, the kingdom ruled by king Virata. During Pandavs exile in forest they stayed in the palace of king Virata as incognito. During this period Pandavs wife Draupadi who was disguised as a servant in palace was nearly molested by Kichak. So she couldn't tolerate that humiliation and says her husband Bhima to kill him. So, Bhima killed him in Natya ghar where currently Kichak Badh place is located.


Kichak Badh temple is located in Prithivinagar of Jhapa district. It will take you around 15 to 20 minutes by bus to reach there from Bhadrapur Airport. Kichak Badh is also close to a place called Kachan Kawal ( It is a lowest point of country Nepal). Kichak Badh lies in the bank of Deonia river. This place Kichak Badh enjoys a hot summer and mild winter. Temple in here opens each and every day, so devotees all around the world are always welcome here.


As we know that Kichak Badh is in Jhapa district, it lies is in Terai region with a low elevation range. Lying in terai region means you an easily find any means of transportation throughout a year. So, this place faces a hot summer with temperature reaching upto 43 degree celcious from May to August and mild winter temperature reaching upto 8 to 10 degree celious. 

In past it was really difficult to reach this temple but with the construction of road reaching in here is easy. Two as well as four wheeler vehicles can easily reach in this destination.


This place carries a huge tourist potential in eastern Nepal but due to lack of advertisement and also due to the ignorance of government this place has been under rated. But now locals in here are currently promoting this place, they organize Mela (Fair) and they invites high profile Nepalese celebrities so that this place can be promoted in national as well as to international levels. 

Monday, July 27, 2020


Nepal lying in the lap of Himalayas is one of the most richest in terms of natural beauty as well as it is one most culturally diversified country in the world. It is a landlocked country neighboring with giant country like India and China. Nepal is a country where you can find a oldest religion in the world i.e. Hindu religion. Majority of the people in Nepal are Hindus. So, with majority of Hindus people there are lots of sacred Hindus holy sites, where people from different country around the world visit these sites to take blessing from gods and goddess. Sacred temples like Pashuaptinath, Manakamana, Budhanilkantha, Dakshinkali, Pathivara, etc are considered as one of the most visited religious temples for Hindus around the world.

About Pathivara

Pathivara temple is one of the holiest sites in Nepal. A place of faith of most Hindu people. A holy temple situated in top of the hills above clouds, a wonderful view of Kanchenjunga and other Himalayas. Lots of people from India visits here to seek blessing from goddess. This pilgrim sacrifice animals and many devotees offers money, gold, silver to Goddess Pathivara. This temple is in Taplejung, one of a district in eastern Nepal. Lying in the lap of Himalayas, reaching the temple is not a easy task, it will take around 5 to 6 hours steep climb depending over your fitness. But view of Himalayas and hills covered with Rhododendron during trekking period will certainly gives you goosebumps. 

It is also holiest shrine for limbu people. According to some legends, shepherds lost lots of their sheep in a place where this temple stands now. Those heartbroken shepherds dreamed that goddess ordered them to make sacrifice of sheep and build a shrine in her honor. After offering sheep to goddess all those sheep suddenly came back so from that day this temple is considered as holiest Mata temple.It is believed that the wish of those devotees who seek blessing from goddess is fulfilled. 

Reaching The Temple

Reaching the temple is not a easy task. It will take you around 7 to 8 hours, depending upon people fitness and stamina. 

Day 1 Taking off and staying in Suketar: Take off from Kathmandu airport and landing in Suketar airport. It will take you around 40 minutes from Kathmandu airport to reach there. There are lots of tourist categories hotels and lodges in Suketar. So, no need to worry about where to stay.

Day 2: Lunch in Suketar and after that 4 to 5 hour hike to Phedi from Suketar. Hike to phedi will be a wonderful experience, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful environment surrounding, local peoples, Yaks, Horses and birds singing a song. Countryroad and countryside experience will be an extremely delightful. There are lots of tourist categories hotels and lodges in Phedi. Hotels and lodges costing from Rs 100 to Rs 1000 will be found in this place.

Day 3: After staying in Phedi, next morning we will trek for around 2 to 3 hour to reach the final destination temple and taking blessing and returning back. The natural views and scenery throughout the route is absolutely mesmerizing. View of Kanchenjunga mountain and hills covering with Rhododendron flowers will definitely makes you speechless. Also taking blessing from goddess is one of the greatest opportunity of lifetime.

Day 4: Returning back to Suketar from Phedi. You can visit local monasteries and also you can enjoy the local food. 

Day 5: You can also visit nearby district Ilam, a green city of Nepal or directly returning back to Kathmandu from Suketar airport after a wonderful trek. 


Trekking to Pathivara means trek to a higher altitude. So people have to follow some major precautions throughout the trek. Devotees should carry warm clothes with them also eating garlic and ginger throughout the trek will also helps you to fight against altitude sickness. Apart from this you can carry hot water, toilet paper, lights etc.

So, Pathivara is one of the most important holy sites for Hindus. Lots of tourist from different countries comes here just to take a glimpse of natural beauty and to enjoy the Eco-friendly environment.

Friday, July 24, 2020



Everybody loves a green and natural environment. People always wants to see the beautiful scenic natural beauty of the earth. Looking in the mountains, listening to the bird singing a song, breathing fresh air, enjoying cultural and friendliest environment are the things that always people dreamed about. As lots of people always search for such place where they can enjoy their holiday or vacation or tour? So no need to worry about, country Nepal has lot to offer to those people who seek for Eco-friendly environment. With lots of mountains for trekking, natural hot springs, highest lake in the world, biggest tea garden to visit, Nepal is one of the best Eco-friendliest destination in the world. So here we list some of the best Eco-friendly treks and destinations in Nepal.


Lots of greenery to see, surrounding with the dense forest, visiting around Nepal's biggest tea garden and taking a glimpse of endangered Red Panda, Ilam is certainly a Eco-friendliest place in Nepal. This place is famous for its fertile land and its environment as lots of vegetables are grown in this place. This place is also called as paradise of eastern Nepal. Breathing a fresh air and watching the sunrise from Shree-Antu Ilam is still a dream of many people here in Nepal. With beautiful tea garden surrounding, lots of picnic spots, tourist from different places and local people riding Horses, listening to the birds songs and lots of dense forest, holy sites, one of the best landscape of Nepal, Ilam will definitely helps you to find your inner peace.


Paradise of eastern Nepal is located in Province No.1 of Nepal bordered with India. It will take you around one and a half hour from Bhadrapur airport to reach famous place named Kanyam of the Ilam district. 

Hotels and Lodges

Ilam is one of the major tourist attraction area, as lots of tourist from India and china visits this place so there are lots of tourist oriented hotels and lodges in Ilam Bazaar, Fikkal Bazaar, Shree-Antu,etc.


Bandipur is one of the major underrated tourist hub in Nepal. Town surrounded by Himalayas and  culturally inherited and friendliest people will certainly makes you feel that you are in country side.
Main town area of Bandipur has strictly prohibited the vehicle to run that makes the town free of noise pollution. Lots of tourists says that this place somewhat resembles of European town because of its house design and the placement of cafes and hotels are like of some European towns. Bandipur is a Newari cultural town in Tanahun district lying within the elevation of 1030 meter is the hidden gem of Nepal. Bandipur Eco Cultural Tourism project is also helping this place in rise of tourism sector.


This place is located in Gandaki province of Nepal. It is around 143 km west to Kathmandu and around 80 km east to Pokhara.

Hotels and Lodges

This place has seen significant increase in the number of tourist from year to year so lots of hotels and lodges are being established in here all of them are tourist standard.


Over a week long trek in Nepal, experiencing the scenic beauty of Himalayas and mesmerizing view of Tilicho lake is one of  the best eco-trek that people have always dreamed of. It has always been rated by lots of trekking website as one of the best trek in the world to visit around. This region is rich in scenery apart from the diverse culture with flora and faunas. Throughout the trek you can take a glimpse of various mountains like Mt. Dhaulagiri Mt. Annapurna, Mt. Machhapuchre, etc which are simply jaw dropping. Tilicho lake trek is for any people who love peaceful environment and also for those who are a bit adventurous. 


Tilicho lake is located in the Manang district of Nepal. 

Hotels and Lodges

This is one of the most popular trek in the world, so due to this lots of hotels, lodges and tea shops are established recently or you can also bring tents for camping that is upto your wish.

So these are the top 3 eco-friendly destination and treks in Nepal, certainly you don't wanna miss.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Nepal'S Culture

Nepal is one of the oldest country in world so, no doubt people in here follows most of the ancient religion. Nepal is one of the most culturally diversified country in the world. It is a home of more than 150 ethnicity. People in Nepal are mostly Hindus, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. with all these ethnicity and religions people in here live in a peace and harmony. Nepal is country where Lord Buddha was born. With lots of Hindus and Buddhist in here there are lots of Hindus temples and Buddhist stupas to visit around. The culture of Nepal is expressed through music, folk dance, festivals, foods and drinks. This country has so many temples, monasteries that are not only sacred but also adds a beauty to the country Nepal.
Some of the famous shrines in Nepal are:

Pashupatinath Temple


This temple is established during 5th century and is not only the sacred temple of Nepal but is also of the whole world. This temple lies in the bank of Bagmati river inside Kathmandu valley. This temple is built in Nepalese Pagoda style architecture.  Hindu Sages from different part of the world stays here. Tourist from each and every part of the world visit this temple to find out inner peace and to take blessing from the lord Shiva. Pashupatinath is a temple of lord Shiva, Pashupatinath means "lord of the pets".

Legend says that once cow herdsman found his cow giving its milk to the mother Earth for several days in a same spot. After seeing this cows herdsman dig that spot and discovered a shivalinga of Pashupatinath. From that very day that is place is worshiped by Hindus from around the world. Some legend says that the shivalinga that is in Pashupati area is of around 400 BC.

This temple is listed in a UNESCO world heritage sites.


This temple is located inside a Kathmandu valley in the bank of Bagmati river. It will take you around 10 to 15 minutes from Tribhuwan International airport to reach this temple.

Swayambhunath Stupa


Swayambhunath also known as a monkey temple located in a uphill of Kathmandu valley is one of a oldest temple of Nepal. It is one of the holiest Buddhist pilgrimage to visit around. According to legends and dynasty books this stupa was built by king Manadev in around 460 to 470 AD. This stupa consists of shrines and temples back dated to lichhvi period. This stupa has Buddha's eyes and eyebrows painted in its white dome looking in all directions.

It is one of the major tourist attraction of Kathmandu valley. Buddhist chants you hear in this stupa will certainly make you feel peace. You can take a glimpse of Kathmandu valley from this temple. Although it is considered as a Buddhist site but lots of Hindus pilgrims from around the world also visit this stupa for blessing. This temple is listed in a UNESCO world heritage sites. 


This stupa lies inside a Kathmandu valley. It will take you around 30 to 35 minutes to reach there from Tribhuwan international airport.

Manakamana Temple


Manakamana temple is one of the sacred temple for Hindus. Manakamana is derived from two words mana means Heart and kamana means Wish it means that those people who take blessing in this temple there wish gets fulfilled. This temple was built during 17th century and is believed that Maata or Goddess makes the wish fulfilled to those devotees who worship her. This temple is built in pagoda style and lies in a square pedestal.

This temple also attracts a lots of tourist. Previously reaching temple usually took around 3 hour long stiff trek but now with cable car being established it takes around 10 to 15 minutes to reach there. These cable car usually operates from morning 9 am to 5 pm. So lots of tourist comes here to take thrilling cable car ride.


This temple is located from 12 km south of town Gorkha and is approximately 140 km far from Kathmandu Valley and 3 to 4 hour bus ride from Pokhara.

Boudhanath Stupa


Boudhanath stupa is the most visit shrine for Tibetan Buddhist. It is one of the peaceful place you can visit inside Kathmandu valley. Buddhist chant echoing all around the stupa will help you to find inner peace. This stupa is somewhat similar to swayambhunath but is bigger in size, it is one of the world biggest stupas. Established around 590 to 604 AD lies in the way of ancient trade route from tibet which enters Kathmandu valley. This stupa has Buddha's eyes and eyebrows painted in its white dome looking in all directions.

It is one of the major tourist attraction of Nepal as lots of Hindus and Buddhist from different part of the world visits this stupa in order to take blessing. This place is listed in UNESCO world heritage sites. This stupa is surrounded by lots of food stalls so make sure to visit those stall where you can find the mixture of Nepali-Tibetan culture food.


This stupa is located around 10 to 11 km far from Kathmandu main city area and it will take around 20 to 25 minutes from Tribhuwan international airport by bus.

Pathivara Mata Temple


Pathivara Temple is one of the most famous and most visited holiest place in Eastern Nepal. It is also holiest shrine for limbu people. It is believed that once shepherds lost lots of their sheep in a place where this temple stands now. These heartbroken shepherds dreamed that goddess ordered them to make sacrifice of sheep and build a shrine in her honor. After offering sheep to goddess all those sheep suddenly came back so from that day this temple is considered as holiest Mata temple.

Lying in the lap of Himalayas the scenic view from this temple is simply breathtaking. With a view of Kanchenjunga mountain and seeking blessing from the goddess is a dream of anyone. So you should make this in your bucket list.


It lies in Taplejung, one of a district in eastern Nepal. To take blessing from goddess we must have to trek for about 4 to 5 hours. 7 to 8 hour bus ride from Bhadrapur airport and than trekking. It is not an easy destination, but the view of Himalayas and hills covered with Rhododendron during trekking period will certainly gives you goosebumps.

Maya Devi Temple(Lumbini)


The place from where Buddhism started, birth place of Gautam Buddha. It is one of the holiest shrine of the world. It is most visit site for every Buddhist from around the world. This temple is the place where queen Maya Devi gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama. This temple is listed in a UNESCO world heritage sites and is located in province No. 5 of Nepal.

The holy site of Lumbini has ruins of monasteries, sacred Bodhi Tree, ancient bathing pond, the Ashoka pillar. From morning to evening pilgrims from different country perform chanting and meditation at this site.


This temple is situated in Rupandehi district in province No.5 of Nepal. 

So these are the few religious temples and stupas in Nepal where lots of devotees from around the world comes to pray to their god. These temples has made Nepal country as one of the culturally diversified country in the world.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


About Nepali Food

When you think about Nepal, most of the people around the world thinks lots of mountains and so many temples and monasteries to visit around. But you have not noticed that Nepal being smaller in size, it is a home of more than 150 ethnicity. With fertile terrain land in the south to the highest mountain in the north, Nepal is one of the most beautiful country in the world. Nepal is a multicultural diverse country in the world. Being multicultural country means that the people of different culture follows different type of lifestyle. The way dressed are different from one another and the things they eat also vary from each other. Cuisine of Nepal varies from culture to culture. And the ingredients that Nepali add in their cuisine like mustard oil, garlic, ginger, coriander, turmeric powder, etc provide taste in the food as well as keep our health safe. With the influence of neighboring Tibet and India, this country offers one of the best cuisine in the world. 

And Here we have listed the best food you should try in Nepal.


Momo is one of the most popular dish in Nepal. You can find stall of momo in each and every corner of Nepal. Adding a vegetables or meat in a white dough eating it with a best pickles will certainly feel like you are in a heaven. Dipping momo in a different flavored sauce and in a pickle made of tomatoes and eating it, you will definitely not regret it. 

Types of momos

Veg momo: Made of vegetables inside. Vegetables like cabbage, potato, spinach, etc. Price of veg momos varies from place to place it may cost from Rs 50 to Rs 100 per plate.

Non-Veg momo: With meat of different animals inside like Buffalo, Sheep, Goat, Chicken,etc. Buff momo is widely famous in Kathmandu valley. Price of non-veg momo also varies from place to place it may cost from Rs 100 to Rs 200 Per plate.

Dal Bhat Tarkari

Dal Bhat Tarkari is a daily life cuisine of every Nepali household. It is also a national dish of Nepal. Dal Bhat tarkari means Rice with lentils and vegetables. Vegetables can be of any thing veg or non-veg item. Dal Bhat power 24 hour is one of the slogan that is used by many tourist when they try it. So, you have to definitely try this cuisine while in Nepal.

Veg Dal Bhat: Veg Dal Bhat means fetching rice with only veg item like cauliflower, fried potato, tomato pickles, brinjal etc. It will cost you around Rs 100 to Rs 200.

Non-Veg Dal Bhat: Fetching rice with meat of goat, chicken, buffalo. It will cost you around from Rs 250 to Rs 350.

Newari Cuisine

Newar's are one of the oldest ethnicity of Nepal. They are widely spread throughout the Kathmandu valley. Their lifestyle and there cuisine is somewhat similar with Tibetan. Combination of local spices with buffalo meat, chhoila and chiura, local wine known as chhyang will probably be the best cuisine that you have tasted in Nepal. The best places to find out the delicious Nepali cuisine are Sasha Newari Khaja Ghar and Lahana Khaja Ghar. They serve you with the best and with appropriate price rate.

As well as the Newari desert are also one of the delicious things to try around Yomari and JUJU Dhau are the best desert of Newar. If you ever visit Bhaktapur city donot forget to taste JuJu dhau. JuJu dhau is desert which is made of milk it is a kind of sweet yoghurt. And the way they serve you in there traditional mud cup you will certainly feel like you are in country side.


It is one of the best fast food that is available in a all around Nepal. A samosa is a fried or baked pastory with a savoury filling, such a spiced potatoes, onions, pees, chicken and other meat and it is generally a triangular in shape. It is generally served with a chutney, samosa dipping in a chutney and eating, surely you will not forget it for a life time.

Price of samosa varies from place to place and also hotel to hotel. It will cost you around from Rs 15 to Rs 30 per piece. 

PaniPuri and Chatpate

Panipuri is a nationwide famous spicy street food. It is a round shaped puri where you dip that puri in a spicy water. Water is made of different kind of combination of spices and maslas which make puri taste really good. Pani puri is actually an Indian originated street food but now is very famous in lots of Indian subcontinent countries. Name of pani puri varies from region to region some says it as puchka, ghupchuk, gol gappe.

Pani pauri is found all around Nepal. Generally panipuri cost Rs 20 per plate but is also varies from place to place.

Chatpate is a typical fast food in terai region of Nepal. It is a mixture of any so many ingredients such as Noodles, Murai, Onion, Potato, Chilies, Masalas, Tomato, etc. With all these mixtures this dish becomes very much spicy, sour which will certainly makes your mouth watery.

Chatpate is most loved fast food in Nepal. Cost of chatpate varies from city to city, if you want to try best chatpate in Nepal you will certainly visit Jhapa they make one of the best chatpate in Nepal.

Beside all these there are also lots of ingredients such as Tongba (hot beer), Bhakka (traditional rajbanshi food), Thuppa, chatamari, Baaraa, Gundruk, and sweets such as pustakari, gudpaak, etc etc. These are only few things that we have mentioned here and you will not regret it after trying all. So make these foods in your bucket list.

Thursday, July 16, 2020



Lying to the north of Bhadrapur town and East from Birtamode city, it is one of the holiest place of Jhapa district. Lots of Hindus from different parts of Nepal as well as from India visit this holy place throughout a year. According to some priests PAU means LEG and PATHIVARA means DEVI GODDESS. So Pau Pathivara means the Leg of Devi. This temple lies inside a forest, five minute walk from the Mahendra highway will lead you to the temple. People in here believes that their wish will be fulfilled after being blessed form Pau Pathivara. Many says that head of Pathivara Devi lies in Taplejung and Devi foot was found in Charali, so due to this reason this place is called as Pau Pathivara.


This temple is located in a place called Charali, one of the well recognized place of Jhapa. Charali is well known for its Ilam taxi stand and it has a oldest snakebite hospital of Jhapa district. You can easily reach this place by Bus or by Airways. From Kathmandu valley it will take around 12 to 13 hours to reach Pau Pathivara via Bus. Through air at first you have to land on Bhadrapur Airport which will take you around 40 minutes from Kathmandu valley and than 20 to 25 minutes from Bhadrapur airport to reach Pau Pathivara.


As we know that Charali is in Jhapa district, it lies is in Terai region with a low elevation range. Lying in terai region means you an easily find any means of transportation throughout a year. So, Charali faces a hot summer with temperature reaching upto 43 degree celcious from May to August and mild winter temperature reaching upto 8 to 10 degree celious. So, if you want to avoid the hot summer, you can visit Pau Pathivara from January to April and September to December.


Jhapa is one of the most developed district in Nepal, so you can easily find the appropriate hotel and lodges in here. So, Charali being one of the famous place of Jhapa, this place doesn't disappoint you for its accommodation there are lots of hotels and lodges in charali area. In case if you did not found appropriate hotels and lodges, 5 minute ride to the west you can reach a biggest city of Jhapa district Birtamode. In Birtamode you an easily find star rated hotels and lodges with an appropriate price rate.


  • Be aware of snakes, as large number of deadliest snakes like cobra, karet, dhaman, etc are found in Jhapa.
  • Try to avoid hot summer.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Chandragadhi or Bhadrapur municipality known as "Tea city of Nepal" is one of the oldest municipality in Nepal. Lying in the southern part of Nepal within the elevation of 91 meter, shares its eastern and southern border with Bihar India, Chandragdhi is a Jhapa district headquarter. Bhadrapur lies in the bank of Mechi river, which works as border between India and Nepal. Bhadrapur is one of the densely populated city in Jhapa. This city, Bhadrapur is multi-culturally rich city in Nepal with lots of people from all district of Nepal and the many migrated people from India, Bhutan and Bangladesh resides in this place. People of different ethnicity such as Rajbanshi, Dhimal, Bramahan, Chhetri, Santhal, Rai, Limbu, Bengali, Madbadi, Muslim etc are residing over here maintaining peace and harmony. So, this place can be perfect example for those countries and cities who creates riots in the name of religions.

Bhadrapur or Chandragadi is a headquarter of Jhapa district and this place conducts most of the governmental activities of Jhapa district. With district airport lying in here you can easily reach Kathmandu from here within 40 minutes. This city is home of Zonal hospital (Mechi hospital), Zonal stadium (Mechi rangasala), Zonal Capus (Mechi Campus), and other tourist attraction area.

Bhadrapur is known for producing Tea and Rice and called as "Tea city of Nepal" with lots of tea growing and many tea factory running in here. It is one of the hottest place in Nepal, temperature reaching over 41-42 degree in summer season and 6-7 degree in Winter season. This place is starting point for tourist attraction, with a few hour ride to the north area you can see a magnificent view of Himalayas and with the Bhadrapur airport in here people from eastern India (sikkim and silliguri) can easily head towards Kathmandu.


In early days it was one of the most developed city of Nepal most of the economic activity were done here as lots of rice mill and tea factory were constructed but after the construction of Mahendra highway all the economic activities has been shifted towards northern side Birtamode. 

Being one of the oldest city of Nepal, this place has a lots of sight seeing and internal tourist as well as external tourist attraction places. Some of the best sight seeing places are Mahendra Park, Mechi River,  Deonia river, Bhadrapur Market area.

Mahendra Park

It is one of the oldest park of Nepal. This park was built by our Late king Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah dev. It is one of the best tourist attraction destination in Bhadrapur, it is located in chandragadi area and is situated opposite of Mechi rangasala. Beautiful garden with lots of flower and children playing and running here from there will certainly take you to your one of the childhood memory.

Mechi River

This river works as a border between Nepal and India. With construction of Mechi bridge import and export of goods and services has become easier. Walking in the Mechi river beach in night time will certainly makes you feel peaceful.


Bhadrapur Market Area

It is one of the oldest market of Nepal. With lots of people around the country and many people from India comes in this market for shopping. This market completely lies in the bank of Mechi river, so with the help of newly constructed Mechi bridge people from India can easily transport goods and services from here. This market is also famous for its food, you can easily find different kinds of foods, sweets, fast foods. So visiting Bhadrapur doesn't makes you disappoint.

Beside these Mechi river in Bhadrapur witness the biggest chhatt mela in Nepal. About 40 to 50 thousand people from different district of Nepal visits here in chatt mela. Best time to visit Bhadrapur, Nepal is during from October to December. From Bhadrapur you can easily reach neighbor district Ilam within few hours and enjoy the beautiful view of Himalayas from that district. 

So this multicultural town has a lot to offer. You can enjoy Dashain and Dipawali with Hindus also Eid with Muslim and Buddha jayanti with Buddhist with peace and harmony. So you can make this Bhadrapur town in your bucket list.

Friday, July 10, 2020



After planning for a several month and finally getting married, there could a lot of stress in both bride and groom. So to overcome those stress, Honeymoon is the best chance for every married to spent their quality time with their spouse. Marriage is done once and why not the honeymoon should be the trip of a lifetime.

So if you are wondering about the destination than why not Visit Nepal? Nepal is one of the most beautiful country in all around the world. Nepal is always ranked by lonely planet to be visited because of its Natural beauty and Diverse culture. You will get plenty of things in here.

Your honeymoon is a chance to visit a place you have always dreamed about and see the things you have always wanted to see. Whether you are Jungle safari lover or Mountaineers, Eco-friendly type or Religious, Nepal can offer each and every things that you have always wish for.

No need to worry, we have put together the list of Best honeymoon destination in all around Nepal. So you and your spouse can spent your quality time together.


Why Go There: Astonishing view of Fishtail Mountain and Annapurna range from the streets is enough to make the traveler speechless. Pokhara lying with an elevation of 870 meters to 1740 meters is considered as Tourism Capital of Nepal. Pokhara is best tourist hub of Nepal. It is a valley surround by Himalayas. One of the best attraction place in Pokhara is lakeside area, cool breeze coming out from the lake will definitely makes you feel romantic. Night walk in lakeside area will definitely give you the most memorable part of your life. Phewa lake is often called as mirror of Himalayas, here you can boat for an hour with cheap rate. Pokhara is gateway to the Annapurna circuit.

Places You Can See: Lakeside area, David Falls, World Peace Pagoda, Bidhabasini Temple, Mahendra Cave, Tal Barahi Temple, Bat Cave, Paragliding.

Hotel and Lodges: As Pokhara is known as the Tourism Capital of Nepal, it has more than tourist category 250 hotel and lodges.



Why Go There: Kathmandu, capital city of Nepal is one of the most ancient city of the world. With lots of people from each and every places of Nepal living in this Valley you can witness different types of culture in this city. Kathmandu offers you a view of ancient tradition also embraces you with modern technology. With lots of ancient temples, lots of UNESCO listed places, Buddhist Gumbas, to visit around you will be truly amazed by seeing the vintage architecture (Pagoda style) and Wood carved temple. Also known as City of Temples. Kathmandu valley lies within the elevation of 1400 meters, surrounded by Hills and Himalayas. It will be one of the most romantic destination to visit around. With lots of 5 star hotels to cheap lodges, visiting Thamel area, eating lots of street foods, visiting ancient temple, this valley has lots to offer.

Places You Can See: Pashupatinath Area, Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Area, Patan Durbar Square, Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Kathmandu Durbar Square and Hanuman Dhoka, Rani Pokhari, Garden of Dreams.

Hotels and Lodges: Capital city, Kathmandu has lots of hotels and lodges. From expensive rated 5 star hotel to cheap rate lodges. Thamel area one of the tourist area hots lots of tourist category hotels and lodges.


Why Go There: Cool wind at 12 Pm, outrageous view of lots of mountains often called as a Distrct Beyond Mountains,lying within the elevation from 1372 meters to 8167 meters, it is one of the most beautiful place in the World. Known as desert of Nepal, you will be truly amazed to visit the Walled Kingdom of Lo Manthang and Ancient Palace.Mustang is also a home of  Muktinath temple which  is one of the holiest temple and most sacred place for both Hindu and Buddhist people. You can experience a different side of Nepali Culture. Visiting Mustang will be an exotic adventure to the virgin villages of the mountainous regions in Nepal. Majestic views in here will certainly makes you feel romantic.

Places You Can See: Jomsom Bazaar, Dhumba Lake, Muktinath Temple, Landscape and its scenic beauty, Annapurna and Dhaulagiri range, Marpha Village.

Hotel and Lodges: Being one the best tourist attraction you can find a lots of comfortable lodges and tea house in all over the place. Jomsom bazaar is one of the best tourist hub in Mustang. Each houses in Jomsom runs tourist category hotels and lodges.


Why Go There: Bandipur, a Newari cultural town in Tanahun district lying within the elevation of 1030 meter is the hidden gem of Nepal. Eco-friendly environment, Cafes in the street, this place somewhat resembles of some Europe city. One of the best 18th century architecture to visit around not only the cultural and friendliest people also the majestic views of Himalayas will certainly makes you speechless. With no vehicles allowed in main area, it is one of the most visit Eco-friendly place of Nepal. With no sound pollution and air pollution, honeymoon couples in here will have a wonderful opportunity to witness daily life community. The best time to visit Bandipur is from March to May and also from August to October.

Places You Can See: Tundikhel, Siddha Cave, Bandipur bazaar area, Khadga Devi Temple, Thani Mai Temple.

Hotels and Lodges: Bandipur is one of the main tourist attraction in Nepal, so there are lots of tourist category Hotels and lodges and home stay.


Why Go There: Chitwan lying in the Terai region of Nepal welcome lots of tourist each and every year from different country. If you are a type of couple who loves Jungle Safari, wants to see the endangered animals than chitwan will be the place that you have always dreamed of. From endangered One horned Rhino walking in the local streets and glimpse of the Royal Bengal Tiger, Chitwan will certainly makes you feel adventourous. Lying within the elevation of 415 meter, the best time to visit  Chitwan is from October to December.

Places You Can See: Chitwan National Park, Ranipokhari, Jalbire Waterfall, ChiraiChuli Hill.

Hotels and Lodges: Like Kathmandu cityChitwan has lots of hotels and lodges. From expensive rated 5 star hotel to cheap rate lodges.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020




With beautiful tea garden surrounding, lots of picnic spots, tourist from different places and local people riding Horses, listening to the birds songs and lots of dense forest, holy sites, one of the best landscape of Nepal, Ilam will definitely makes you feel adventurous.

Ilam also known as a paradise of eastern Nepal is situated in Province No. 1 of Nepal. Ilam is a hill district of Nepal, it widely famous for its landscape and Ilam ko chiya (Ilam's Tea). Its Ilam tea is so famous that it is exported to many parts of Europe.It will take around 1 to 2 hours to reach Fikkal ,Ilam from its border district Jhapa. Ilam is one of the best Tourist hub of Nepal, as lots of tourist from India and China visits here to see its greenery beauty. Mechi Highway " one of the best hill highway of Nepal" connects Ilam district with Jhapa district.

Elevation of Ilam ranks between 300 meter to 4000 meter, so many people from Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari prefer to visit Ilam in summer time to get rid of the hot humid air of the terai region.

It is one of the richest district in terms of Cultural Diversity, Natural beauty, Beautiful landscpae, Snake like roads, because of its fertile soil large number of vegetables are cultivated over here such as potato, ginger, broom grass, etc. Besides vegetable it is also famous for milk producing item like milk lollipop, xurpi, milk bombaison, cheese, etc.



It is known as Garden of Tea. It is one of the favorite tourist destination of Eastern Nepal, with lots of picnic spot. You can view whole Kanyam tea garden from Love dadha (Love Hill). Tea produced over here is also exported to foreign countries. With hill surrounding with tea garden, climate over in here changes from minute to minute sunny as well as foggy. So while visiting Ilam you cannot miss this 


Shree Antu

Shree antu which is situated at an altitude of  2328 meter above sea level is one of the famous tourist destination of Ilam district best known for observing sun rise and for its tea garden. From shree antu you can clearly see terai flatland as well as some parts of darjelling area. Lots of people gather in the antu view tower to observe sun rise.

Pathivara Temple

It is one of the holiest temple of Nepal, lots of devotees around the country come over here for blessing. Reaching the temple is not easy as we have to climb more than thousands stairs to take blessing of goddess.


Sandakpur located at an elevation of 3636 meter high from sea level is recognized as a favorite tourist destination of Province No. 1. With beautiful snowy hills and with the mesmerizing view of beautiful Kanchenjunga mountain will definitely makes you feel relaxed. It is also famous for Red panda one of the endangered animal of the world.


Monday, July 6, 2020


Jhapa is a district which is situated in Province No. 1, it lies within the border of India, Bihar in the south and Bengal in the east.The word Jhapa is named after a Rajbhanshi(tribal group of jhapa) word which means 'cover'. Jhapa is one of the most ethnically diverse district in Nepal, home of more than 110 ethnic groups some of them are Bhramins, chhetris, Rajbhansi,sataar, etc. Not only the ethnic groups Jhapa is also considered as a beautiful district in Nepal. Jhapali people are also widely considered as most clever people of Nepal.

Jhapa district lies within the Terai belt of Nepal and also jhapa has the lowest elevation point of Nepal which is 58 meter above sea level known as kachan kabal. Jhapa district economy mainly relies in agriculture and this it is known as most rice generating district of Nepal. Besides rice this district also depends on Tea, betel nuts (supari), coconut, etc.

 As present situation Jhapa is giving more emphasis for the growth and development on  tourism sector as lots of fun parks, water parks, historical temples, malls and complex are being established. We can easily reach Jhapa from Kathmandu as it takes around 45 minutes to land Bhadrapur airport from Kathmandu. Some of the best attractive places to visit over in here are Selfie Dhada, Jamun Khadi, Kichak Badh, Arjundhara, Kankai Mai River, Domukha.
Selfie Dhada situated in Surunga, Kankai Municipality is one of the favourite tourist destination of Jhapa district. It is one of the most crowded internal tourist destination in Jhapa. This destination somewhat resembles you of a movie Jurrasic Park, you take a glimpse of a electric dinosaur and of a  animal like camel, elephant and different kinds of birds. It is perfect holiday destination for a family tour with lots of playing area for kids as well as for the grown ones.

Jamun Khadi

It  is one of the Vinatge destination of Jhapa district.It is also known as a zoo of Jhapa with lots of animal are kept here under preservation.Lots of animals and birds such as peacock, deer, python, leopard, etc are kept here under protection. People from different district such as Ilam, Morang, Sunsari visit this place.

Kichak Badh

It is one of the most historical site of Hindu religions but due to lack of publicity this place has not gain much attention. It is located in the south of Jhapa district near kechana in the bank of deonia river. It is the place where Bhima (one of the pandavs) killed kichaka (who tried to molest Draupadi). Kichak Badh Mela occurs once in a year in this place


It is the Temple which lies north side from the Business hub Birtamode. It is mostly considered as "Purba ko Pashupatinath" Pashupatinath of east. It is the holiest site of Jhapa district, it will take around 35 minutes car ride from Bhadrapur to reach Arjundhara. It is the place where Arjun (one of Pandavs) used his bow and arrow to generate the water to the thirsty cow.

Kankai Mai River

Kankai river is one of the holiest river over here in Nepal. It is the biggest river in Jhapa diatrict, it is really beautiful to sea the local fisherman fishing and children taking bath in this river. Millions of devotees around the world visit over here in annual Mai mela which occurs on magh 1. It has the one of the longest bridge which is 702 meter long.


Domukha is best picnic spot over here in Jhapa district. Lots of internal visitors from different district comes in this place for gathering and to enjoy themselves. 

Beside these places there are also many other places like salbari and others also the world tallest Gautam Buddha statue is on under construction in Damak, Jhapa so surely it will be one of the favorite tourist destination to visit in all of Nepal. So make sure you visit these all places when you are in Jhapa district.  



People always wants to see the beautiful scenic, natural beauty of the earth. Looking in the mountains, listening to the bird singing a song...